Thursday, May 29, 2008

May 29, 2008: Aidan Jackson Ridges

Today is the anniversary of the birth of the infamous, beloved Mooshman: Sir Aidan Jackson Ridges.

Upon arising from his slumber, the president and vice president of his fan club The Aidanimaniacs presented him with a gift, a fire engine watch, which he promptly fastened to his arm and proceeded, for the next twenty minutes, to approach various family members and exclaim, "It's twenty-six!" while gesturing emphatically at his new time piece.

Today is also the first day of Rosehill for Caitlin and Isabel. What a trip.

Because it's Aidan's birthday, the school has a celebration where the family creates a time line of sorts chronicling the child's life, decorated with pictures. The parent, Karen, in this case (I was the photographer) comes in and gives a verbal history of the child to the students and staff. The birthday child sits in the center of the circle holding a small globe, and with each year passing in the history, he or she walks around a candle, which symbolizes the sun.

Karen told the class about when Aidan was a baby, how his fuzzy, blond hair grew straight up, earning him the nickname, birdhead. Karen and I used to let him stay up with us quite late because he was such a happy little guy (as opposed to Jacob, who cried nearly non-stop for the first four months of his life). She also spoke of how he has grown to love cars and bike riding, and Ms. Suman, his teacher, added that he is a great colorer and loves working on his number roll (it's a Montessori thing), and that he is very excited both about being a Kindergartner and having his sisters at Rosehill with him.

What you cannot see from in the pictures and video is how surprisingly overwhelming it was for me to see my baby girls and my little man at the same school, in the same class, celebrating his FIFTH birthday. I was a bit farklempt, to say the least.

And, I have to give props to Grandpa Pápi for working with Aidan yesterday on mastering the two-wheeled bicycle. He hasn't quite conquered the little things, like turning or getting started without being pushed, but he has learned to stop, which is essential. I hope your leg feels better after its work out chasing Evel Knievel up and down your street.

It's been a good day. The girls did well at Rosehill on their first day and came home a bit cranky and clingy, but that's to be expected with the big change.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

May Day Picnic

Dan and I are having a big family/friend shin-dig for our May babies (Aidan, Caitlin & Isabel). Getting any work done around the house with 4 crazy kids is a nearly impossible. So Dan stayed home to do yard work while I took the kids to an end of year party (yes, school is done!) I forgot my camera, but did manage to get a few pics with my iPhone of the girls enjoying their unnervingly large cupcakes!

Aidan's Dance Recital

Okay, Aidan is going to be so embarassed when he sees these pictures when he is older. The costumes they made the kids wear (boys in particular) were not very gender friendly. Every week at Aidan's Montessori school, the kids have a dance class as part of the program. Twice a year, the dance teacher organizes a dance recital. Jacob was at the same school for three years, but never wanted to be in the recitals. I jumped at the chance when Aidan seemed sorta interested.

As you can see from Caitlin watching longingly from the foot of the stage, I think the girls will be excited to participate next year. During the ballet act, Caity went up on her toes as if she were part of the dancers.

After the recital, I took the kids to McD's for ice cream while Dan took Jacob to soccer practice.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Just two pictures...

I'm home today, and took these pictures of Caity and Isabel: